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Computers and Technology in the Academic Learning of Young Children
Posted on Monday, June 11, 2012 by adresst
In today's world, computers have become a familiar fixture in the everyday lives of children and adolescents, offering a wide range of learning and fun tools.
Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.
On average, parents estimated that their school-aged children and adolescents use the computer about 1.5 hours a day. Computers, electronic games and toys, as well as technology in general greatly influence and affect the lives of children. Technology has also proven to be greatly enrich the lives of children, particularly in the academic and social learning and development.
Computers for example, can have a rich cognitive and social benefits. Children aged 3 years and the computer industry and are capable of typing simple commands on a standard keyboard. Moreover, in today's classrooms, small groups often gather around the machine, and the children often work while working with a computer instead of using traditional paper and pencil method.
As soon as children start to become literate (being able to read and write), they can use computers for word processing. In this way they write without struggling with the manuscript, and they can change the meaning of the text and style, and check spelling. As a result, children tend to be less to worry about making mistakes, and their products end up writing a longer and better.
Specially designed computer languages to introduce children to programming skills. With the support of adults, children computer programming effort can lead to enhanced formation of concepts, problem solving and creativity. Furthermore, children need to discover errors in their programs to make them work, programming will help them in thinking about their process, however. This will inevitably lead to a shift in the meta-cognitive skills and self-regulation. Also, when programming, children are particularly likely to collaborate, persevere in the face of challenge, and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning. This is consistent with Vygotsky theory to show that supports social interaction of children mastery of challenging computer tasks is capable of stimulating a wide range of higher cognitive processes.
Children and adolescents spend more time using computers at home purely for entertainment purposes. Many computer games emphasize speed and sometimes violent actions in the plots where the children in advance and avoid shooting at the enemy. Children play a more complex exploration and adventure game with themes of aggression and conquest, and sports games. These are soccer and football. Children also enjoy simulation games, such as creating and caring for virtual pets (which require attention to "stay alive"), enters a virtual reality (such as the ecosystem in which the player mutated plants and animals into new species), and role-playing characters.
Speed-the-action computer games foster attention and spatial skills in both boys and girls. However, while providing opportunities for learning, extensive playing simulation games can take risks blurring the distinction between virtual and real life.
Many young men use the computer for communication. While the Internet is causing some potential for causing withdrawal from real life, it does not hold much value in allowing users to acquire computer skills, information and facilitates communication.
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Category Article computers technology academic learning young children, educational toys