Computer Network Technology

What is computational networks, although? Computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other tools that connect to each other to exchange information and data transfer via cable. Many users can print to the same printer or use the same software at the same vrijeme.Računalo that stores data and plays a major role as a data center is called the server, while the computers that are connected to the network and take data from a server called a workstation.


1 Local Area Network (LAN)
The network is limited to a small area usually used in small office building or school. Usually it is near 1 mile square. Most use the LAN cable and LAN card to connect one computer to another. Every computer connected to the LAN to a different Internet protocol address. It is commonly abbreviated as IP addresses. LAN can be set via a wireless technology that has the speed 10-10000 Mbps. Wireless LAN can use the infrared and radio frequency.

Advantages of LAN
. Sharing files and printers is easy to do among the computers.
b.Rizik of data loss caused by viruses can be reduced.
c. If there is one computer connected to the modem, all computers can access the Internet.
D. There are a lot of space in the storage system (hard drive) to store documents.
E. The files stored in the server can be accessed from client computers approval. Approval may be made ​​to the structure of the organization.

2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
This type of network typically has a larger surface area than a LAN, or it may contain some LANs that are connected to one drugom.Primjer MAN is a network that is built in a large complex campus.

3 Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of network is usually built by satellite or undersea cable tehnologije.Primjer WAN is in the bank capital that can share information with a network of regional banks. They also held meetings with video conferencing over the Internet.

Benefits of WAN:
. We can send files or documents via electronic mail (email) instead of manually sending documents via mail.
b.Mrežni server at headquarters can be a data bank of the branch.
c. Company data can be updated daily as needed.

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