Evolution of Computers and Technology

When people began to count the numbers, they thought devices that can track the numbers. The need for a device to do the calculations together with the development of commercialism and other human activities began development of a computer. Having the right tools to do the calculations it is always important to čovječanstvo.Abacus can be the first such device and it is hundreds of years to develop the New Abacus računalu.Prvo digital computer was created as a mechanical calculator in the 19 century.

the transit time, many computing devices that include Napier's bones, and they invented the slide rule. It took many centuries for the performance of computing devices. In 1642, French mathematician, Blaise Pascal invented the first automatic operating računanje.Mjed rectangular box, also known as the Pascaline, used eight movable dials to add sums and the sum of eight digits only.

In 1694, German mathematician Wilhemvoz Gotfried Leibniz, extended pascals design done, multiplication, and also to find the root. This machine is called a stepped računalac.Jedini disadvantage is that these devices failed mechanically skillful precision in its structure and is not reliable.

is really the origin of a computing device manufactured by the English mathematician Charles Babbage in 1822. He proposed the engine to make a difference equation, known as a difference engine. It could print the results automatically. However, Babbage never quite made ​​fully functional difference engine in 1833, he stopped working on it at once.

In 1889, Herman Hollerith, also employed Loom Jacquards concept in computing. One early success was the evolution of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). After wards, EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was invented. It was the first computer produced by John Von Neumann. In the year 1949, EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was developed by Maurice. Eckert-Mauchly company invented the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) in 1951. In 1960, the fastest electronic computers to access the time scales of 1 micro-seconds and a total capacity of 100 million words has evolved. During the 1970s, the fashion for a cheap computer enabled integrated microchip (IC) and microprocessors. These days the use of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits), which is programmed using a read only memory is made. It could handle 32 bits at once, and can handle 4 million instructions at a stretch.

In addition to this level in the history of computers, many advances and changes have taken place, coming from the Apple-Microsoft hardware, to develop a variety of microcomputers and laptop computer, or discoveries that have become a recognized part of our day to day life. Without the initial steps of computer history, none of this would seem unlikely that this is possible.

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