Computer Network Technology

What is computational networks, although? Computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other tools that connect to each other to exchange information and data transfer via cable. Many users can print to the same printer or use the same software at the same vrijeme.Računalo that stores data and plays a major role as a data center is called the server, while the computers that are connected to the network and take data from a server called a workstation.


1 Local Area Network (LAN)
The network is limited to a small area usually used in small office building or school. Usually it is near 1 mile square. Most use the LAN cable and LAN card to connect one computer to another. Every computer connected to the LAN to a different Internet protocol address. It is commonly abbreviated as IP addresses. LAN can be set via a wireless technology that has the speed 10-10000 Mbps. Wireless LAN can use the infrared and radio frequency.

Advantages of LAN
. Sharing files and printers is easy to do among the computers.
b.Rizik of data loss caused by viruses can be reduced.
c. If there is one computer connected to the modem, all computers can access the Internet.
D. There are a lot of space in the storage system (hard drive) to store documents.
E. The files stored in the server can be accessed from client computers approval. Approval may be made ​​to the structure of the organization.

2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
This type of network typically has a larger surface area than a LAN, or it may contain some LANs that are connected to one drugom.Primjer MAN is a network that is built in a large complex campus.

3 Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of network is usually built by satellite or undersea cable tehnologije.Primjer WAN is in the bank capital that can share information with a network of regional banks. They also held meetings with video conferencing over the Internet.

Benefits of WAN:
. We can send files or documents via electronic mail (email) instead of manually sending documents via mail.
b.Mrežni server at headquarters can be a data bank of the branch.
c. Company data can be updated daily as needed.


Computers and Technology - Internet Tools and Software

Today, there is much that the owner of the computer is able to do to maintain the success or impact or even a simple repair to the appropriate Internet tools and software. Most of the complaints center around the performance of the PC slowing down the machine. In my experience fragmentation "C" or "D" on your hard disk, or both is often the main cause. This is because you are constantly deleting and copying new files, the data is complete the entire operation in small segmentima.PC operating system, ie, XP or Vista offers built-in defrag program to reduce file fragmentation. Usually, referring to the program will defrag your computer fast again.

Other Internet tools and software available to solve problems involving the Internet when your machine becomes saddled with spyware and adware. These programs allow unnecessary outside individuals and companies to spy on web browsing activity and invade your privacy. 'Scan your computer for free "programs are available to effectively eliminate these nasties. Also, most people are aware of a viral infection in someone's computer, and there are a good antivirus program that will keep your computer safe.

Another issue that will challenge your computer is missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Again, there are good programs for cleaning invalid or obsolete entries.

To summarize in this modern day of computers and technology, there are many Internet tools and software available for you to keep your computer running efficiently. These tools are easy to install and use and relatively inexpensive to purchase insurance is a good investment for the PC.


How To Keep Up To Date On Computers And Technology With Articles

to read articles online, written by people who know what they are talking about, is perhaps the best way to stay up to date on any subject, especially computers and new technology.

The computer components get faster and more demanding everyday, it's a wonder that anyone ever has an up to date computer. And technology in general is moving at such high speeds, every day is literally the most advanced human beings have ever been.

So, bearing that in mind, you probably are wondering how you can stay completely up to date on all this, while still learning about the current tehnologijom.Činjenica is basically the technology you need to learn and practice simultaneously.

How to find great articles on computers

Using search engines to find information is just something everyone has, but it usually requires some old data and returns the page with the information you are looking to spread throughout the body.

The best way to find quality articles to article directories and have a very informative information that you put the word "articles", together with their search term. In this way the search results you get back will probably be the only articles and article directories that have information related to the rest of the search term.

Stay up to date with current technology

Even though you can use the same method as I stated above to find information and articles about the computer, you can do the same with technology informacija.Problem with this, although you can never really be sure the author knows what they are talking about.

is usually the end of the article's resource box with a link to the author's website, but even then it is still hard to tell who knows what they are talking about.

What I do is usually one of two things. I checked what I read in the pursuit of the same words in the search engines, and see if other authors say the same thing or not.

You can also use a very popular, but everything changes, social voting sites for news, such as StumbleUpon or Digg. Do a search for those web pages, and when you visit them you will see that the other members like you can vote on articles and information that they know or believe to be true.

Although sometimes people can be fooled by the false information gets published, it is much rarer then regular websites owned and operated by Joe anonymous.

So, in short, the best way to stay up to date on computer technology and the use of search engines, and still use the websites that you know to be honest, at least for the most part.


Computers and Technology in the Academic Learning of Young Children

In today's world, computers have become a familiar fixture in the everyday lives of children and adolescents, offering a wide range of learning and fun tools.

Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.

On average, parents estimated that their school-aged children and adolescents use the computer about 1.5 hours a day. Computers, electronic games and toys, as well as technology in general greatly influence and affect the lives of children. Technology has also proven to be greatly enrich the lives of children, particularly in the academic and social learning and development.

Computers for example, can have a rich cognitive and social benefits. Children aged 3 years and the computer industry and are capable of typing simple commands on a standard keyboard. Moreover, in today's classrooms, small groups often gather around the machine, and the children often work while working with a computer instead of using traditional paper and pencil method.

As soon as children start to become literate (being able to read and write), they can use computers for word processing. In this way they write without struggling with the manuscript, and they can change the meaning of the text and style, and check spelling. As a result, children tend to be less to worry about making mistakes, and their products end up writing a longer and better.

Specially designed computer languages ​​to introduce children to programming skills. With the support of adults, children computer programming effort can lead to enhanced formation of concepts, problem solving and creativity. Furthermore, children need to discover errors in their programs to make them work, programming will help them in thinking about their process, however. This will inevitably lead to a shift in the meta-cognitive skills and self-regulation. Also, when programming, children are particularly likely to collaborate, persevere in the face of challenge, and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning. This is consistent with Vygotsky theory to show that supports social interaction of children mastery of challenging computer tasks is capable of stimulating a wide range of higher cognitive processes.

Children and adolescents spend more time using computers at home purely for entertainment purposes. Many computer games emphasize speed and sometimes violent actions in the plots where the children in advance and avoid shooting at the enemy. Children play a more complex exploration and adventure game with themes of aggression and conquest, and sports games. These are soccer and football. Children also enjoy simulation games, such as creating and caring for virtual pets (which require attention to "stay alive"), enters a virtual reality (such as the ecosystem in which the player mutated plants and animals into new species), and role-playing characters.

Speed​​-the-action computer games foster attention and spatial skills in both boys and girls. However, while providing opportunities for learning, extensive playing simulation games can take risks blurring the distinction between virtual and real life.

Many young men use the computer for communication. While the Internet is causing some potential for causing withdrawal from real life, it does not hold much value in allowing users to acquire computer skills, information and facilitates communication.


Why Companies Are Migrating to IT Consultation

Information Technology Consulting, also called IT consulting and technology consulting is a field that focuses on advising companies how to maximize the use of information technology to meet their business objectives and improve productivity. In addition to providing expert advice, IT consultants often assess, manage, implement, deploy and administer IT systems on behalf of its clients. This methodology is known as outsourcing.

Getting expert advice, saving capital and reducing overhead are the main reasons why companies are transferred to the outsourcing and not investing in the IT department. In this current economy, where the recession has taken a huge financial toll on the company's net profit, which is imperative, more than ever, to small businesses, which are transferred to the outsourcing makes a smart business decision to reduce the overhead costs allocated to their budgets.

outsourcing company provides special expertise and depth of knowledge concerning the overall IT infrastructure and solutions. Small businesses that do not adapt to technological advances, due to lack of knowledge in the IT field and remain in this tough and competitive market and at the end of suffering in all aspects of their business.,

Here are some of the advantages of outsourcing has its own IT department.

1 Expert advice:

Companies that have no technical expertise or manpower to go for IT consulting to determine their needs and the best way to implement solutions to increase productivity.

2 Reducing the risk:

Companies today can not risk hiring IT workforce continues to be incapable of dealing with the line workers that May or May not have advanced IT skills to solve complex problems in the foreseeable future.

3 Capital and time:

Time is money, this phrase is especially true when talking about small businesses that can not handle IT problems. Since these companies are left to their own devices, and if problems can not be resolved within a certain period of time, it can cost the company huge financial losses.

4 Scalability and Efficiency:

Today, the company does not want to hire permanent employees for IT departments have already signed a contract with an IT consulting company to look at their issues when they arise. It could be in the form of one-off projects, hourly contract, monthly contract or pay per visit conditions. In this tough economy, more companies are scalable and mobile, it is more likely to succeed.

So, for all these reasons, it is now critical, more than ever for small and medium sized businesses to switch to IT consulting, if they want to survive in this rapidly evolving and dynamic economy.


Evolution of Computers and Technology

When people began to count the numbers, they thought devices that can track the numbers. The need for a device to do the calculations together with the development of commercialism and other human activities began development of a computer. Having the right tools to do the calculations it is always important to čovječanstvo.Abacus can be the first such device and it is hundreds of years to develop the New Abacus računalu.Prvo digital computer was created as a mechanical calculator in the 19 century.

the transit time, many computing devices that include Napier's bones, and they invented the slide rule. It took many centuries for the performance of computing devices. In 1642, French mathematician, Blaise Pascal invented the first automatic operating računanje.Mjed rectangular box, also known as the Pascaline, used eight movable dials to add sums and the sum of eight digits only.

In 1694, German mathematician Wilhemvoz Gotfried Leibniz, extended pascals design done, multiplication, and also to find the root. This machine is called a stepped računalac.Jedini disadvantage is that these devices failed mechanically skillful precision in its structure and is not reliable.

is really the origin of a computing device manufactured by the English mathematician Charles Babbage in 1822. He proposed the engine to make a difference equation, known as a difference engine. It could print the results automatically. However, Babbage never quite made ​​fully functional difference engine in 1833, he stopped working on it at once.

In 1889, Herman Hollerith, also employed Loom Jacquards concept in computing. One early success was the evolution of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). After wards, EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was invented. It was the first computer produced by John Von Neumann. In the year 1949, EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was developed by Maurice. Eckert-Mauchly company invented the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) in 1951. In 1960, the fastest electronic computers to access the time scales of 1 micro-seconds and a total capacity of 100 million words has evolved. During the 1970s, the fashion for a cheap computer enabled integrated microchip (IC) and microprocessors. These days the use of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits), which is programmed using a read only memory is made. It could handle 32 bits at once, and can handle 4 million instructions at a stretch.

In addition to this level in the history of computers, many advances and changes have taken place, coming from the Apple-Microsoft hardware, to develop a variety of microcomputers and laptop computer, or discoveries that have become a recognized part of our day to day life. Without the initial steps of computer history, none of this would seem unlikely that this is possible.


The Booming Demand for Hardware and Networking Experts

Hardware and networking is an industry that is experiencing a big hype in the last ten years, since the IT boom. Even after several years, and despite the thousands of students who graduated as a trained hardware engineers since then, there is still a growing demand for these professionals to industriji.Razlog for the growth of multinational companies, along with small businesses that require computers to be effective function.

Each company saves on the number of employee hours required to complete a specific task using a computer. Computers improve the speed and accuracy in the work immensely. They really changed the work culture in the business sector significantly. Companies now have a number of computers that work together in a way.

hardware and networking specialist has many responsibilities. First of all, they designed that computers will be distributed and placed in the society. They bring together the various components of computer systems together so that they function properly. Most importantly, they connect different computers to each other, so that images and information may be shared between employees. It is very important for internal communication in the company.

Another primordial duty hardware and networking professionals to set up the user accounts and passwords for all zaposlene.Sigurnost personal data is a prime consideration for this purpose. Because many applications required in the business have to use the Internet, setting up the LAN (Local Area Network) connection is usually required.

hardware business expert has completed the installation is complete. Regular troubleshooting and hardware maintenance is their responsibility. In addition, these experts also train new employees on how to use the system. The abundance of duty deserve why networking professionals are the backbone of every business. Even small companies can not afford to hire a permanent team of engineers for their computers, the call for such services whenever needed.

many institutes offer degrees and diplomas in hardware and networking. This is a big change from the time when that education is considered just as professional training. This occupation requires skill and znanje.Stupanj from a reputed college adds an extra feather in the hat and the student provides satisfactory work experience.

Hardware and networking are the most integral part of computer technology in today's world.


Computers and Technology in the Academic Learning of Young Children

In today's world, computers have become a familiar fixture in the everyday lives of children and adolescents, offering a wide range of learning and fun tools.

Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.

Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.


Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.


Although studies have shown that boys are heavier users of computer games and visit sites more frequently than girls, with no gender differences have emerged in a conversation, using e-mail, or to school on the computer. In addition, both teenage boys and girls were equally expressed confidence in their computer skills.


Specially designed computer languages ​​to introduce children to programming skills. With the support of adults, children computer programming effort can lead to enhanced formation of concepts, problem solving and creativity. Furthermore, children need to discover errors in their programs to make them work, programming will help them in thinking about their process, however. This will inevitably lead to a shift in the meta-cognitive skills and self-regulation. Also, when programming, children are particularly likely to collaborate, persevere in the face of challenge, and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning. This is consistent with Vygotsky theory to show that supports social interaction of children mastery of challenging computer tasks is capable of stimulating a wide range of higher cognitive processes.


Children and adolescents spend more time using computers at home purely for entertainment purposes. Many computer games emphasize speed and sometimes violent actions in the plots where the children in advance and avoid shooting at the enemy. Children play a more complex exploration and adventure game with themes of aggression and conquest, and sports games. These are soccer and football. Children also enjoy simulation games, such as creating and caring for virtual pets (which require attention to "stay alive"), enters a virtual reality (such as the ecosystem in which the player mutated plants and animals into new species), and role-playing characters.

Speed​​-the-action computer games foster attention and spatial skills in both boys and girls. However, while providing opportunities for learning, extensive playing simulation games can take risks blurring the distinction between virtual and real life.

Many young men use the computer for communication. While the Internet is causing some potential for causing withdrawal from real life, it does not hold much value in allowing users to acquire computer skills, information and facilitates communication.


The History and Legacy of Steve Jobs

There are few people who can never claim to have changed the world. Famous people in this age of 24 hour news channels, Twitter and the internet can get the dime a dozen, actors, musicians, authors, politicians, activists, among many others who were successful in getting the attention of many people. Innovators and pioneers on the other hard to reach. People who go against the odds and make a difference, those who leave a legacy to promote their field. And Steve Jobs legacy will surely endure, even after many have gone.

Before you even measure how much the legacy of Steve Jobs has affected us, we must first look at the history čovjeka.Nasljeđe Steve Jobs, after all, becomes more impressive when you consider how he became one of the most famous people in the history of technology .

Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 to two unmarried students at the University of Wisconsin, and then adopted at birth by Paul and Clara Employment Reinhold, Paul mechanic for laser manufacturing company, and accountant Clare zahigh-tech company in what would later be known as Silicon Valley. His adoptive mother taught him to read early, even before he went to school, and his adoptive father taught him the basic electronics, development of skills which, unknown to them at that time would contribute to the great legacy of Steve Jobs.

Steve after school he attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company during his days at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, it is here where he will meet with Steve Wozniak during his tenure as a summer employee. Wozniak, Ronald Wayne to make in the future, join the job to co-found Apple Computer Co., a company that, more than anything else, embody the legacy of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs has never attended college for a long time. Stay for only one semester, he was later dropped and actually living life is fleeting for some time, and considering how far-reaching legacy of Steve Jobs to eventually become, made his achievements all the more impressive.

The mandate of the Atari, Steve Jobs would be joined by Steve Wozniak after the invention of the Apple I computer, and with Ronald Wayne and Mark Markkula funding to found Apple Computer Co. in 1976, the company flagship, where the legacy of Steve Jobs would be built on. Originally created in the garage working parents, the company will soon increase to establish standards for how personal computers will become, and establish a legacy of Steve Jobs and his colleagues.

Steve Job's initial stay at Apple will not be smooth sailing. He resigned from the company in 1985, after disagreements between management policy due to cracks between him and John Sculley, then CEO of the company. This trip would not last however. After Job's resignation, he founded the NEXT computer, and eventually bought a printing Group (now named Pixar) from Lucasfilms in 1986. In 1996 bought an Apple computer NEXT to the amount of $ 429 million, Jobs returned to the company that he co-founded, and eventually became president of the 1997th With Steve Jobs back to Apple, its brand management and its demand for aesthetically appealing products restore profitability to the company's portfolio.

revolutionizing the way we listen to music on MP3 player, and making smart phones and tablet PCs in the tech race, the legacy of Steve Jobs is hard to miss in our everyday lives. His drive to create innovative products has changed the way we view mobile computing, and will likely influence what we expect of mobile media in the years to come.


Technology, Networking and Security in 2012

Computer: The gadget that changed our view of the world around us, that we are surrounded, and the way we perceive events, either directly or izravno.Količina information available on the Internet is bigger than any library in the world, and we can get all this information through some simple klikova.Količina various programs is more than impressive, and today it is no longer a question of how to get the request, but the applications of all those we have to choose from.

In the twenty-first century, we are entering a period in which data is transmitted wirelessly. Technologies, like the rest of the IT industry is developing rapidly and has come up with new standards and adopted modern methods that allow higher speeds and wireless range while costing much less. In the not too distant future, we expect a lot more wireless systems in every place, connect the home, office, and even large factories. Wireless network technologies represent a new form of online communication will be even more prosperous future. These networks of the future will surpass today's wired networks and systems in terms of speed and security.

The new network is constantly being upgraded, the equipment becomes sofisticiranija.Softver and safety systems are also progressing, although the threat to security and continues all around nas.Internet a medium that allows anyone to go out looking like an ordinary Web surfer to hacker in just a few moments. These hackers can jeopardize the very important information, and even to destroy someone's life.

prices of laptops with wireless cards are now very affordable and are constantly falling, therefore, it is very easy to find wireless networks. Of course, this means that it is easy for attackers to find a way to get into the system and steal someone else's Internet traffic, or, more importantly, data. Various studies related to wireless security system revealed that almost fifty percent of users on unprotected networks, which confirms the fact that users are not aware or educated about the dangers of wireless networks.

Another problem is the fact that many small businesses will be completely unprotected, the attacker can be a very good use in his favor, and the owners of these systems are not even aware that the customer information and confidential documents can leave the company through the unlocked door .

However, even with the help of the system of protection for your computer is not one hundred percent sure, but using a system with an incredibly powerful encryption system can significantly slow down the network, the trade-off many businesses and consumers will not or can not do. We can only hope that future standards will bring faster and more secure systems in which users will be able to rely on the protection system and actually use the wireless network without having to worry. Safety is important, and the only right solution for your computer to ensure your network. Wireless networking has become part of our lives, but again we must be careful about what and with whom we share our information.